Batch E-Mail Notifications in GroupID
We have e-mail notifications enabled to Owners and Additional Owners (Identity Store properties \ Configurations \ General \ Notification \ Notify Owner/Manager) to inform them of changes to their groups. When performing (e.g.) bulk add operations via the GroupID Management Shell, these users get flooded with e-mails.
If there were a way to batch / group notifications together for the owners / additional owners so that they only received one e-mail for multiple modifications, that would be helpful.
Atlassian has implemented a similar feature for Jira if that helps explain - see
Hello Mark,
Thank you for taking the time to submit this valuable feedback and it will be an excellent addition to the product. This has been conveyed to the product team. Below is the feature request number of this request:-
Feature 33202: Community Channel - [Feature Request] - A batched/combined email-notification is requested for the owner/additional owners when multiple modifications are made to their groupsPlease keep the suggestions/feedback coming.
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