When requesting to join a group, log and track who the approval request was sent to
When requesting to join a group, a record is added to the history that my request has been sent for approval. Unfortunately you do not know who it was sent too if you need to follow up or contact them.
Would it be possibly to also track the actual owners that this request was sent to.
For example i have group A with Owner = Bob, Additional owner = Tom, Jack, Sue.
I would like the history to track and be viewable/audit-able that the request was sent to Bob, Tom, Jack and Sue.
Hello Paul,
This will be a great feature to have in GroupID. Thank you very much for this valuable suggestion. I have relayed your suggestion to the product team as a feature request.
Your feature request number is:-
[45087] - Feature Request - Ability to track down who the approval request for workflow was sent.
Please keep the suggestions/feedback coming.
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