Feature Request | Multiple Levels for Approval Workflows When Adding Members to Groups




  • Official comment
    Saad Sharif

    Hello George,

    Thank you for the suggestion and we believe that this would be the great feature added to our product. 

    We will get back to you once this feature is added. 


    Thank You, 

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    George Gange

    Hi Saad,


    Are there any updates regarding this feature request?




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    Saad Sharif

    Hi George,

    Your feature request is already related to the product team . The support team do not have the ETA for this yet and our product team will be working on this. As soon as we get the confirmation from the product team, we will notify you regarding this feature.



    Saad Khan

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    Paul Vu


    +1 This is something we would also like to see and added to the tool asap. We basically have to run a separate process (in service now or jira) for additional approvals and takes away the value of using the self service portal.


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    Rob Licht

    Please add this functionality as this is something we would also like to see added to the tool ASAP!   

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    Jonathan Blackwell

    We are working on releasing an enhancement of RESTful APIs to extend workflow functionality. Specifically with external flows. This was demonstrated late last year at the Microsoft Ignite conference running with the Power Automate as the workflow engine. The endpoints not only can be triggered from the kickofff of a GroupID flow, but you can trigger GroupID actions from external Power Automate flows. In this manner, you can do any process including multi-step approvals during a GroupID action or from a flow, trigger a GroupID action. We are looking for clients willing to join a few others in providing early feedback on this and other functionality that is being built for GroupID. 

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    Paul Vu

    Hi Jonathan 

    Yes we would like to participate in the beta/testing for these APIs

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