Start-In Inheritance doesn't work
AnsweredIn the last 5 years our company has grown significantly and our OU structure is often updated to include new geographies. There is a bug in the software where you cannot select the Parent OU and deselect any children you do not want in the the search criteria. You have to uncheck the parent and select all the children individually.
Example. You have a parent OU in AD named US and under US you have all the cities. I create a new dynasty\smartgroup called US.All. In my Start in, I should be able to select the OU named US, therefor if a new OU later on for a new City it will be captured in the next update and build the new group for the new city. Here is where the issue is. If perhaps I don't want 1 city in my search criteria and I uncheck the city OU, the entire smartgroup will fail to update. it will run and complete, but no groups will update.
Please fix this. Whenever we acquire a company in a new City. I have to go into my 100's of Parent dynasties and manually check this new City OU.
Official comment
Thank you very much for the Feedback, it will be a great feature to have. We could probably add a setting or an option to choose the display naming convention.
Please keep us posted with your Feedback it will definitely help us to innovate the product and to deliver up to your expectations.
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