Feature Request - add ability to upgrade an unmanaged ad group to smartgroup




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    Permanently Deleted User

    Thank you very much for the Feedback, it will be a great feature to have. This has been relayed to the concerned department and they will consider it to be added in the upcoming builds.

    Please keep us posted with your Feedback it will definitely help us to innovate the product and to deliver up to your expectations.

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    Rodney Garcia

    This feature already exists.  Under All Groups it displays all groups I have in AD and I can right click on an unmanaged group and select Upgrade to...  Select SmartGroup or Dynasty

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    James Murphy

    I would like the feature in your example above available in powershell.  I would like the ability to "upgrade to.. smart group" from within the powershell commandlets.


    Please provide an update or eta asap.


    thank you

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    Daanish Sayyed

    Dear James 

    Thank you for the comment. Please note that we have taken the appropriate actions and the suggested feature is under construction, it will be a part of the New version of GroupID. 

    At the moment we do not have an ETA for you; however, off the record, we are targeting the next quarter of this year. Please keep us ported with your suggestions and comments, it helps us to add more innovation to the product.


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    Daanish Sayyed

    Hello James,

    Thanks for your valuable feedback. The cmdlet convert-group is added in GroupID 9.0 to convert existing unmanaged Group to Smart Group.

    GroupID 9 is released and available for download at this link 



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