Renaming DLs via self-service portal


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    Rich Flees

    We are seeing this same issue.  We need GroupID to manage the naming attributes and keep all of them in sync. CN, sAMAccountName, mail, and Primary SMTP addresses should all be exactly the same.  When a group is renamed any mail-enabled group should have the prior SMTP set as a secondary smtp. 

    If a group is only a Security group then CN and sAMAccountName need to be changed and kept in alignment.

    Also, Display Name is not a viable option here.  What will happen over time is that there will be groups that are renamed and if only the Display Name is updated users will wonder why they can't create a group that has the same name as one of these renamed groups.  The collision will be with the sAMAccountName, SMTP or smtp of an existing group but that name will not show up when they search.

    Even if an error message is provided it will be confusing if the only thing that groupID is showing is Display Name.

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