Add warnings to Preview and Update buttons
Request: Add additional warnings to the Update and Preview button in the Automation and Self-Service module.
Detail: When the preview or update button is pressed, display a pop-up warning that requires the user to attest to the membership change.
Example on 'Update' button: "This update will change the current membership from 50 to 5000 members. If this membership change is correct click 'Yes'. If not, click 'Cancel' and review the list criteria."
Example on 'Preview' button: "This modification would change the current membership from 50 to 5000 members. If this is correct, click 'OK' and proceed to update the list. If this is incorrect, click 'Cancel', modify the list criteria and preview again."
Purpose: Mitigate issues where a list creator mistakenly updates a list with incorrect criteria and drastically increases the membership. Which can then result in data leakage or compliance issues.
Hello Zach,
Thank you for taking the time to submit this valuable feedback. It will be an excellent addition to the product. This has been conveyed to the product team. Below is the feature request number of this request:-
Feature Logged: Feature 41151: Community Channel [Feature Request] - Add warnings to Preview and Update buttonsPlease keep the suggestions/feedback coming.
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