O365 Group Creation
An option to disable the welcome email and not add the group to Outlook would be a very nice welcome. We've accidentally sent emails to the whole company a couple times now which causes confusion. As it stands now, when creating a O365 group in GID, you have to uncheck "Messaging System Users with Mailboxes and Users with external email addresses" when you create the group! If you neglect to change these all users get the above even without creating a query. Then you must run PS commands to disable these two features, and then modify the a query to populate the group. We can't be the only customers dealing with this issue.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Disable the Group Welcome Message Email
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "GROUPNAME" -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled:$false
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Hide 365 Group from Outlook
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "GROUPNAME" -HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled:$True
Hello Mark,
Thank you for taking the time to submit this valuable feedback. It will be an excellent addition to the product. This has been conveyed to the product team. Below is the feature request number of this request:-
Feature Logged: Feature 41146: Community Channel [Feature Request] - O365 Group CreationPlease keep the suggestions/feedback coming.
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